How many times have you tried to grow magic mushrooms for mycological studies ? Have you looked everywhere for information without success? Well, we have the solution for your problem! Indeed, we offer you the opportunity to learn how to grow mushrooms for this type of study.
Table of Contents
Growing magic mushrooms | Types of mushroom breads
Test our Magic Mushroom Dosage
Check our Calculation Dosage MushroomsGrowing magic mushrooms for mycological studies is one of the easiest things in the world because you just need to set the right parameters and wait. These cultured breads consist of a substrate formed from perlite and vermiculite, to which mycelium has been added, which is the medium on which fungi germinate. Activating the mycelium is very simple, this article is here to explain how to do it in order to get the best results. Each type of mushroom has different properties because they come from different parts of the globe. Some are easier to grow than others, some offer more potent effects and still others offer higher yields. In addition, they will all have different shapes which you can enjoy when the mushrooms are opened. In the photo below you can see two varieties (Pan American y B +) launched on the same day in the propagator. You can then see that the Panamerican has barely developed mycelium but it offers bigger and faster mushrooms. As to B +, it has created a layer of mycelium over the entire surface which begins to fill with small mushrooms. If this is your first time growing these mushrooms, the variety Mexican is good for gaining experience and better understanding how to develop. This variety in particular offers a better adaptability to temperature and humidity, mushrooms will therefore grow easily even if you do not give them the ideal living conditions.
Mushrooms and mycological study | Basic settings
One of the most important factors is lighting because mushrooms are enough sensitive to excess light. So avoid giving them direct light at all costs. You can grow them with the sun as well as with a white lamp, but always with ambient light and never directly on shrooms. The light hours are relative because mushrooms usually grow in forests surrounded by tall trees with thick foliage, so they spend a good part of their life in semi-darkness. If you are growing them in sunlight, all you need to do is leave the shutters open and put the mushrooms near the window wall but to the side to make sure they never get direct light. If you are growing with lights, look for the perfect position so they don’t get it directly.
Humidity is also an essential component because it is what activates the mycelium from which the mushrooms will subsequently be born. To provide the necessary humidity, grow in a propagator and moisturize the bread withreverse osmosis, bottled or distilled water but never with tap water. As you add the water, the bread will start to swell and you will then need to keep adding water as you go so that it absorbs it and soaks up well. Once the bread is hydrated, empty the excess water because if there is any left at the base, it will cause rotting. You will receive your bread with a bag that will act as a greenhouse but if you want to achieve the best results, you will have need a propagator. In order to activate the mycelium, keep humidity around 90% during the first 2 days by adding water to the base of your greenhouse (also osomosed or bottled). Another way to keep the humidity at this level is to leave the lid of the tupperware closed. After the first 2 days, lower the humidity to 70%. It suffices for this to play with the windows of your greenhouse until the desired rate is obtained.
The temperature is also very important since mushrooms are cultivated between 21 ° C and 24 ° C. So maintain that temperature range if you want to harvest as much as possible. If you live in a fairly cool area or want to grow them in a greenhouse, you can resort to a heating propagator or add a thermal blanket below. If you grow them at a temperature below 21 ° C, the fungi will thrive slower and will therefore offer a lower production because these breads have a limited shelf life once the mycelium is activated.
The last factor to consider is hygiene because shrooms are very sensitive species, so you will have to maintain their habitat completely clean and sterilized. Never touch bread or mushrooms directly with your hands, always use latex gloves and if possible a mask. Likewise, never alter their environment by smoking or spraying any type of product or deodorant in the room where they are located, as this could be fatal for mushrooms.
By respecting these parameters (lighting, humidity, temperature and hygiene), you just have to wait for your mushrooms to grow. On GB you will find everything you need to provide them with the best conditions as well as supplements such as thermal blankets, thermo-hygrometers and complete mycological study kits.
Cultivate for mycological study
Between 7 and 14 days after activating the mycelium, the first shrooms start to grow and from that moment the development is spectacular. If you observe them several times a day, you will see how quickly they grow, which may take several centimeters per day. After 3-4 days, they will be ready to harvest, then you will only have to let them dry for a few days before you can finally taste them. To remove the mushrooms, just put on gloves and grab them with your fingers by pulling it lightly and applying a slight rotation. You will find that they will not offer much resistance. Shrooms are very sensitive and the point where you took them will turn black in just a few hours. This reaction is normal and therefore there is no worries about their edibility. Even if you leave the bread without the fungus, the mycelium will be still active for a while (which will vary according to the conditions brought), which can generate new shoots a few days later. If you have taken good care of it, then you can have up to 3 or 4 good harvests, which is very productive and ultimately inexpensive.