The fly agaric (also known as fly swatter and false mushroom) it is a psychoactive mushroom widespread in the northern hemisphere. The fly swatter is a fungus that is usually red with white spots, and that has large white blades. It is one of the most recognizable and common mushrooms in popular culture. Hallucinogenic properties
It is remarkable for its hallucinogenic properties. These are derived from their primary psychoactive compounds: ibotenic acid and muscimol. Muscimol is a potent selective GABAA receptor agonist that produces sedative and depressive effects, as well as delusions. Although Amanita muscaria is classified as poisonous, indications of deaths in humans derived from its ingestion are extremely rare. After boiling this mushroom (which reduces its toxicity and breaks down the psychoactive substances it contains), it is consumed in many areas of Europe, Asia and North America. Browse this content
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Regions that use Amanita muscaria
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The Amanita muscaria has been used by the peoples of Siberia as a narcotic and entheogen, and also has an importance within the religion of these cultures. In western Siberia, its use was restricted to shamans, who used it as an alternative method of reaching a trance state. On the other hand, in eastern Siberia, it was used by both shamans and ordinary people, for both recreational and religious purposes.
There has been much speculation about the possible traditional use of this mushroom as a narcotic in other places like the Middle East, Eurasia, North America and Scandinavia. In remote areas of Lithuania, Amanita muscaria is known to be consumed in wedding ceremonies. Furthermore, the Lithuanians exported these mushrooms to the Lapps living in the Far North, for use as part of shamanic rituals. Amanita muscaria is sometimes confused as a “magic mushroom” with psilocybin mushrooms. However, these two types of mushrooms differ completely in terms of their active compounds, their pharmacological effects, and their appearance.
Habitat of Amanita muscaria mushrooms
The Amanita muscaria has formed a symbiotic relationship with various conifers and deciduous trees such as birches, pines, and spruces, so it is often found growing alongside such trees. There are many different varieties of Amanita muscaria that have different appearances.
Is Amanita muscaria edible or poisonous?
Fly agaric is not poisonous in the sense that it can kill you. It is poisonous in the sense that if it is not boiled in plenty of water (the “toxins” are water soluble), then raw or undercooked mushrooms (in moderation) will make you drunk and possibly nauseous. Although classified as poisonous, reports of human deaths resulting from ingestion of Amanita muscaria are extremely rare. The LD50 of muscimol in rats is 45 mg / kg orally, and in mice it is 20 mg / kg also orally.
Consumption and preparation
As a food, the fly agaric needs special handling. Apparently, most people eat only the very young caps or buttons. They need to be boiled in a large volume of water for a period of time, and then you need to throw that water away. For more info I have a complete guide to the consumption of fly agaric.
Potential toxicity and hazard
First of all, I have to clarify that this section is a brief summary about the danger of Amanita muscaria, and it could contain some error. Amanita muscaria mushrooms they are not known to be addictive or addictive. In addition, the desire to ingest an additional dose decreases with consumption, although there are no studies on this. In any case, when consuming this mushroom it is advisable to do everything possible to reduce the potential dangers. You can display more of the toxicity analysis by displaying here. Research Therefore, I recommend that you do your own research in more depth. Do whatever it takes to try to reduce the possible risks when consuming this mushroom. Well, since muscimol and ibotenic acid are GABAA agonists, it can be harmful to combine them with other similar depressants, such as benzodiazepines or barbiturates. Furthermore, ibotenic acid is known to be a neurotoxin, acting through NMDA and metabotropic glutamate receptors. Therefore, it is best to dry the Amanita muscaria in an oven or buy it already dry to ensure that the ibotenic acid concentration is as low as possible. One of the main problems with Amanita muscaria is mistaking it for a different species of mushroom. The reason is that there are other fungi of the genus Amanita that are toxic. One such mushroom is Amanita phalloides (also known as the death mushroom), which contains alpha-amanitin and beta-amanitin. These two substances are extremely potent inhibitors of RNA polymerase II and RNA polymerase III. So they damage practically all the tissues of the body. As its name suggests, Amanita muscaria contains the chemical compound muscarine. This compound is a muscarinic acetylcholine agonist known to cause seizures. Does it represent a risk? However, this fungus contains very low amounts that it is unlikely to pose a significant hazard.
Fly agaric dosage
There are conflicting reports as to whether there has ever been a fatality. Be careful! It can be poisonous in high doses or for sensitive people. Dosage is for completely dry hat material only:
Gentle | 1-5 gr (1 medium hat) |
Common | 5-10 gr (1 – 3 medium hats) |
Strong | 10-30 gr (2-6 medium hats) |
- Start: 30-120 minutes.
- Peak: 12 hours
- Duration: 5 – 10 hours (higher doses seem to last longer)
- Normal After Effects: 15 hours
It can be taken orally, there are also some claims that it can be smoked for effect. All parts of the fungus are psychoactive, although there is some evidence that the material just under the skin is the most potent.
The table below shows the approximate oral doses of dried A. muscaria in grams.
Effects of fly agaric
In relation to the subjective effects listed below, it is necessary to note that are extracted from anecdotal testimonies and personal experiences of people who consume Amanita muscaria. Therefore, you should consider them with a reasonable amount of skepticism. Furthermore, it is necessary to emphasize that these effects will not necessarily occur consistently or reliably. Although high doses are more likely to be able to induce the full spectrum of effects. Keep in mind Now, in the same way, side effects will also be much more likely with higher doses. They can include serious injury and death.
- Sedation: many users report mild to extreme sedation or even drowsiness.
- Perception of body heaviness.
- Stimulation: Although most users report sedation and a lack of energy, some report relatively intense stimulation.
- Spontaneous physical sensations.
- Physical euphoria.
- Pain relief: many users report a noticeable decrease in pain when consuming Amanita muscaria.
- Muscle relaxation.
- Muscle spasms.
- Sickness.
- Increased sweating
- Contraction of the pupils.
- Increased salivation.
- Color enhancement.
- Magnification.
- Increased visual acuity.
- Double vision.
- Visual haze.
- Reduction of visual acuity.
- Changes in colors.
- Residual images.
- Stelae.
- Feeling of being adrift.
- Distortions in depth perception.
- Perspective distortions.
- Recurrence
- Geometric distortions.
Hallucinatory states
- External hallucinations.
- Internal hallucinations.
- Transformations
- Misinterpretation of peripheral information.
- Improved analysis capacity.
- Conscious disconnection: many users report feeling a characteristic dissociation from the environment when consuming Amanita muscaria.
- Cognitive euphoria: results in a feeling of physical euphoria that can range from mild pleasure to intense general happiness.
- Increased or decreased libido: many users report a noticeable drop in libido, while others report an increase.
- intensification of dreams: Due to the sedative nature of fly agaric, many people fall asleep before the most noticeable effects emerge. Well, these individuals claim to have extremely vivid and often lucid dreams.
- Empathy, love and increased sociability: Although this effect is less potent than that produced by MDMA or MDA, it is still remarkable.
- Drowsiness: Being a GABAA agonist, the muscimol in Amanita muscaria can make people extremely drowsy.
- Unity and interconnection: this effect is less potent than MDMA or MDA, but still remarkable.
- Existential knowledge about oneself
- Improved immersion
- Greater appreciation of music
- Analysis capacity suppression
- Introspection
- Memory suppression
- Auditory distortions
- Auditory hallucinations: Although a wide variety of auditory hallucinations are possible, many users report hearing a strange, comforting, ubiquitous buzzing.
- Synesthesia